Finding a Job

The employment rate in Switzerland is high in comparison with other countries. Even so, those seeking work must meet high requirements. Certificates and degrees are of great importance. Nearly all positions require German language skills.


Professional certificates, degrees and professional training are important for most professions in Switzerland, as are job references provided by previous employers. Foreign degrees are not always recognized. Most positions require German language skills.

Finding a Job

Job offers are published in newspapers and on various websites. Private job agencies provide additional services. Public regional employment agencies (RAV) offer support in finding a job. On-site computers and newspapers are provided and personnel is available to advise those seeking work.

Job Application

Applications are normally submitted in written form by email or online. An application should at least include a resume, a motivational letter, and if possible copies of certificates, degrees, and job references. If an employer takes an interest, you will be invited to a job interview (Vorstellungsgespräch). Various services offer free advice and support regarding the application process.