Where can I find help?
The Educational Programme against Domestic Violence teaches people how to resolve conflicts without violence. The programme is for adults. An interpreter is possible. Registration is possible on 061 267 44 90 or via Gewaltschutz.Opferhilfe@jsd.bs.ch. Participation is free of charge.
Further programmes:
- Domestic violence conflict counselling, 061 267 00 26, www.bdm.bs.ch (DE)
- Men's Office for the Basel Region, 061 691 02 02, www.mbrb.ch (DE)
The price of counselling is determined by the financial means of the person seeking advice.
Anyone who needs someone to talk to immediately can contact Helping Hand (Dargebotene Hand) by phone, text message, chat or email. There is always someone there. Even at night. They can be contacted without giving a name (anonymously).
- Helping Hand (Dargebotene Hand) (24/7), 143, www.143.ch (DE)