About Basel-Stadt

Canton Basel-Stadt is one of 26 cantons (member states) in Switzerland. Basel-Stadt is located on border of Germany and France. The region has a strong economy and diverse culture, and there is a high quality of life.

Numbers and Facts

Basel-Stadt comprises three communes: the city commune of Basel and the two political communes (Gemeinden) of Riehen and Bettingen. Around 200,000 people from 160 countries live in the canton. Basel-Stadt only covers an area of 37 km². It is the smallest canton in Switzerland and the third most densely populated. The official language is German.


Canton Basel-Stadt was founded in 1833. It has a long and fascinating history. There was even a settlement here in the middle Paleolithic period around 130,000 years ago. Due to Basel's important strategic location, the Romans deployed their military on Münsterhügel in 30 B.C. Basel Minster can be found at this location today. The minster was once a bishop's church and was consecrated in 1019. This is why the cantonal coat of arms of Basel is a bishop's staff.

The University of Basel was founded in 1460. Basel became a centre for book printing and humanism. In the mid-16th century, many migrants fled here from Upper Italy and France. They brought with them silk weaving and silk dying to Basel. This gave rise to the modern pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Following conflict, Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft separated in 1833. Today, Canton Basel-Stadt is a centre for culture, trade and economy with a focus on life sciences.

Customs and Traditions

In Canton Basel-Stadt, we have many traditions and customs that are important to us. We appreciate it when you choose to learn our traditions. The most important is the carnival (Fasnacht). It takes place over three days every year in February or March. That is why we call it the "drey scheenschte Dääg" – the three greatest days. The Basel Autumn Fair (Herbstmesse) is over 500 years old, and the Basel Christmas Market (Weihnachtsmarkt) can also look back on a long tradition. Many people are members of a club, guild or association. The matches of the football club FC Basel are well attended, and many people like to swim in the Rhine in the summer.